Sunday 15 January 2012

Kamfa & Pearly

The Flowerhorn or Luohan was introduced to world by Malaysian breeder since late 1990. The fever take off in 2000 when everybody in Malaysia probably own it. However, the fever die off because people get greedy and start produced low quality but sell it high prize and people get frustrated....
Now, there are still few breeder in Malaysia able to produced very good and high grade fish. there are still more hobbyist interested in this fish...

Since 2009 the Malaysia Flowerhorn Association had organized competition and every year it getting bigger and bigger...more than 200 piece of fish participated in last competition...i had won 1 of the categories ( classic kamfa).  Many new hobbyist probably confuse because to many name was given to the Luohan such as golden monkey, king kamfa, red dragon etc etc....However, for our hobbyist in Malaysia we class them into 2 big class either Kamfa or Pearly.

This video to show Kamfa variant

This Video to show Pearly masterpiece

Saturday 14 January 2012

How to select Flowerhorn aka Luohan?

All living things display their most glorious hues and forms only when they live in a comfortable and suitable environment. However, if since a fish is not good, you won't get good result no matter how much effort you put into  caring for it therefore selecting a healthy and good fish is fundamental skill in this hobby.
Below are a few tips i would like to share:

The most important and attractive part of this fish. A fine specimen of luohan will have a large and protruding head. A fish's face and mouth also should not too long and look resemblance of 'monkey face'. When small you should select a fish that get a hump. Therefore, genetics also play major role in deciding possibility of big head.
   Above image is an example of a hump in small fish. The fish only about 2 inch long.

This is another example of my fish. the fish also about 2 inch long.

This is full adult size fish. The fish have big protruding head with good body shape & swimming posture.

A high grade Luohan should have a sturdy and muscular build. The fish should have a height to length ratio of 1:1 or 1:1.5 and squarish body is considered most attractive. Seen from above, the right and left sides of fish body should be balanced and symmetrical. Therefore, a fish with a firm and full body flesh should be chosen as high grade fish. The fish should project a sense of self confidence and vitality when swimming. The Luohan body should show spectacular colors with bright hues. Usually, the dominant color will be red and very bright red will put the fish as very high grade. The fish also need to have very broad and slender fins. The angle of fan-shaped extension above and below the tail fin should be as large as possible, and may be as great as 180'. the dorsal and anal fins should also be large and slender. The dorsal and anal fins should completely surround the tail fin, so that all 3 fins form a lovely gauze kerchief giving the fish an air of refined grace.

This is an example of high grade Luohan.

That all for now....will write later to how you taking care this fish?